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Nordic Journal of Urban Studies
2-2021, volume 1

Cities and sustainable urban development have been raised as key research topics internationally. ‘Urban studiesʼ has emerged as a broad field of research that includes studies in several disciplines, with emphasis on social geography, planning and development studies, sociology, environmental science and political science. Research here is largely about exploring structures, expansion and transformation of cities, urban processes of inclusion, exclusion, marginalization and liberation, as well as economic and political processes.

Research environments are strengthened by interdisciplinary arenas for dialogue on such issues. Still, many of the discussions within urban research in the Nordic countries take place either in disciplinary national journals or in interdisciplinary international journals. The Nordic Journal of Urban Studies represents a new Nordic academic arena for interdisciplinary urban studies and welcomes empirical and theoretical papers that contribute to our understanding of cities

The journal is Open Access and is published twice a year by Scandinavian University Press.

Gro Sandkjær Hanssen, Senior researcher, NIBR, OsloMet and professor II, NMBU
Cecilie Sachs Olsen, Senior Researcher, NIBR, OsloMet
Marikken Wullf-Wathne, Doctoral student, Division of Urban and Regional Studies, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and NIBR, OsloMet
Bengt Andersen, Senior researcher, AFI, OsloMet
Per Gunnar Røe, Professor, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, UiO
Jørn Ljunggren, Senior Research Manager, Ipsos
Håvard Haarstad, Professor, Department of Geography, UiB
Tarje Iversen Wanvik, Research Director, NORCE Climate and Environment
Lisbet Harboe, Associate Professor, Institute of Urbanism and Landscape, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Editorial secretary
Cecilie Sachs Olsen, Senior Researcher, NIBR, OsloMet

Contact the editors:
[email protected]

Design og sats: Type-it AS, Trondheim
ISSN online: 2703-8866

© Universitetsforlaget 2021


OPEN ACCESSResearch publication09 December 2021
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OPEN ACCESS10 December 2021