About the journal
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning (Journal of Care Research) is an open access journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles (both empirical and theoretical based), submitted or invited commentaries and responses, book reviews, interviews and other scholarly material, within the area of care research and health and care service research. The main topics are care, caring, careers, health and care services in the communities and municipalities, and their interaction with other services.
The journal is ranked as a level 1 publishing channel by the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, and publishes original research articles of a high scholarly standard. The journal also publishes more practice-orientated articles. These present new perspectives on developments and trends in the field, as well as providing a space for critical discussion of recent publications.
The journal aims to contribute to the public dissemination of care research. In this way, the journal aims to contribute to the development of the health and care sector. The journal is interdisciplinary and inter-professional, publishing articles and other scholarly material from across the wide array of disciplines and professions that form the basis for care research and care work.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning is aimed at any and all relevant professions and research communities: municipal health and care services, researchers and students at universities and university colleges, public authorities and decision makers, and so on.
The journal is published by the Centre for Care Research in cooperation with Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget). Publishing in this journal does not require payment of a processing or publishing charge. The journal was started in 2015. It publishes three issues per year, including special issues.
Peer review
All research articles that are considered relevant for publication in the journal are reviewed by at least two anonymous academic referees with no ties to the author. In addition, the article is reviewed by the journal's editorial board and the final decision regarding publication of the article is made by the Editor in chief. The journal practices "double blind" peer review, whereby both reviewers and the author remain anonymous to each other.
The journal is covered by the following indexing and discovery services:
- Cinahl
- SweMed+
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Sherpa Romeo
- Google Scholar
- Primo Central Index (Ex Libris)
- Oria
- Summon (Ex Libris)
- Ebsco Discovery Service
- WorldCat (OCLC)
The journal is authorized as a publication channel on level 1 in NSD – Norwegian Centre for Research Data (for Norway and Sweden), in the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science’s Authorization List for Serials (Denmark), and in Publication Forum (Finland).
Call for papers
Rom for sansning? Omsorgens estetikk
Frist for innsending: 1. november 2024
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